Throughout history, water meadows have been bestowed with various monikers, including wet hay meadows or "rotted." In the captivating lands of Italy, they are known as "marcite" (1).
Presently, along the Ticino River, only 33 water meadows remain. Each of them hold a special place in the region's natural heritage. These remaining water meadows are safeguarded and preserved under the careful maintenance regulations of the Ticino Park, ensuring their protection for generations to come (2).
Using the Ticino Park's GIS Link, I was able to identify all of the water meadows and natural elements along the Ticino River. Unfortunately, the program would not allow me to isolate areas of interest and it was hard to visualize the distribution of "marcite" with all of the other elements present on the map. As such, I used Google MyMaps to map out only the locations of interest. The application was easy to use and gave me the ability to create layers for each of the elements.
Check it out here! → "Marcite" of the Ticino River
1. Storia e cultura. (n.d.). Parco Ticino. https://ente.parcoticino.it/natura-e-paesaggio/storia-e-cultura/
2. Vie Verdi del Ticino. (2023). TerraMetric. Map Data. Google Imagery. GPSBrianza. https://parcoticino.webeasygis.it/?app=vvticino&guest#
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